This episode of MYB features Tyler who (along with one other gentleman who apparently doesn't own a fucking alarm clock) started a Bachelor-esque online dating show airing exclusively on Instagram.

On a totally unrelated note- I was surprised to see how many old-timey stars from my youth were on The Dating Game, so I am peppering in their GIFs throughout this blog...


The Sheltered In Love crew has already plowed through 4 seasons since the quarantine started, pairing off both straight and gay bachelors/bachelorettes with potential suitors.

(Steve Martin)

I mention the straight/gay thing because I noticed that although they are inclusive of all sexual orientations, they blatantly turn their noses up at fat bald married guys just looking for a few laughs.

(John Ritter... RIP)

A new season of Sheltered In Love starts next week, and if you look closely in the background, much like Trent, you will see yours truly help lug the emotional baggage of every losing contestant.

And for those out there who would like to give the game a shot, applications to be a constant can be found here.

(Farrah Fawcett... Also, RIP)

If you know of any other small business owner that is staying relevant through this pandemic, have them reach out to Booze and me at mindyourbusiness@barstoolsports.com and we'll tell their story.

(Future Twisted History subject- serial killer Rodney Alcala... Who is still alive, unfortunately)

Mind your business and take a report.


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